Start Every Marketing Message Like This…

Start Every Marketing Message Like This…

The Start Of Any Marketing Campaign, Any Marketing Message Boils Down To One Thing. The job of that start is to – Set the emotional hook. Meaning that, at the beginning of the campaign, at the beginning of a marketing message, the beginning of an ad, the job...

Getting a little personal

Riddle: What’s the difference between a tree and a business? Answer: If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is around to hear it, it still falls. But if a business has a solution to solve a problem, and no one is around to know about it, the business didn’t really...

Find yourself a whole new market

During one of our coaching calls, one of my clients was struggling to figure out who else might be interested in her message and product. She felt like she had already tried the obvious choices, and she wanted to know where else she could try. Her niche is about how...