You’ve heard of the Google Slap, right?

That’s where Google boots advertisers out of their Adwords system for doing something Google deems “bad”. But, what about the other Google Slap?

The Google Slap that regularly happens to marketers with a VSL or sales letter?

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Here’s how it typically goes down:

  1. A prospect enters your funnel, either through an opt-in page or coming straight to your VSL or sales letter.
  1. They begin to listen to your marketing message.
  1. They hear a “Google Slap Trigger Word or Phrase”.
  1. They immediately press pause on your VSL and go over to Google or Youtube to do a quick search…
  1. And they never return again to your site to take advantage of your offer. Bye-bye new customer and sale.

The scary thing is… this happens a heck of a lot more than you may even realize.

I would go so far as to say that it plays a significant role in why many marketers struggle with a low sales conversion rate.

No more Google Slap!

So, how do you prevent this type of Google Slap?

You eliminate the Google Slap Triggers from your VSl, sales letter, marketing message, funnel, etc.

So, what is a Google Slap Trigger word or phrase?

Simple. It’s any word or phrase you use when talking about your solution that positions it as generic and non-proprietary.

Meaning: Any time you present the “solution” within your marketing message in a way that allows it to be viewed by your prospect as general, common, ordinary, or run-of-the-mill. That’s when you’re vulnerable to the Google Slap.

For example:

If selling a course on Facebook Advertising, we don’t talk about the benefits of generic Facebook ads. We talk about the benefits of your XYZ system for using Facebook ads.

If selling a course on weight training for muscle building, we don’t talk about the benefits of generic weight training. We talk about the benefits of your XYZ weight training system.

Again, we avoid talking about the generic version of the solution.

The presentation of the generic is what allows for a prospect to pause your VSL, open Google or YouTube, and do a quick search to find a cheaper, quicker way of getting the same solution you’re offering.

Not good, to say the least.

Make it unique

To avoid this, and prevent the “Marketing Funnel Google Slap”, everything you say should position your solution as unique and proprietary.

This way, prospects can’t go anywhere else — not Google or Youtube — to learn more about it. Since it’s only available from you.

That’s the key to preventing the Google Slap. And that’s the key to boosting your sales conversions.

Editor’s Note: This is the kind of thing that Todd talked about at MFA Live 2015. Keep your eyes open for when the recordings of that event become available!