Yesterday I shared how to start to “peel back the onion” so you can get to “the benefit of the benefit” when approaching your prospects. Here is the rest of that conversation.

…The third benefit to share with your prospects is the emotional benefit.

What is the emotional impact on the prospect when they experience that dimensionalized benefit?

When your prospect loses weight and she’s down a dress size? How does that make her feel?

When she goes out now, how does she feel, now that she is down a dress size? What is the emotion? Is it a surge of confidence or excitement or pride?

Is it a hope that “Now I’m finally going to meet someone? Now I don’t have to be the third wheel with my friends all the time. I won’t be ignored all the time.”

What is the emotional payoff? What is the emotional benefit and what are the emotional results of that dimensionalized picture?

When crafting your marketing message, make sure that you don’t get caught up simply in the functional benefit.

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You know: the printer prints faster, the car goes faster…

Yes that’s a functional benefit that the car gets you from point A to point B faster, but what does the dimensionalized version of that look like?

The clearer the picture that you paint, the clearer and crisper, and the more high-definition that movie is that you direct and play in their mind’s eye for them. The more emotional they get, the more real it becomes.

That is your job.

Don’t write “sterile copy”!

I just see so many marketers who write sterile copy.

For instance, the other day in the apprenticeship group someone had written a piece of copy that said something like, “This will impact the health of your children.”

So I said, “What does that mean? What does that even look like? As a parent, is that what gets you nervous? Anxious? Is that what gets your heart beating a little quicker?

“Is that what causes you to lie awake at night, thinking about your children? Saying, I hope nothing impacts their health? Is that the most impactful and most emotional way to make that statement? Is that the most emotional language that could be used to conjure up those images?”

So think about that for one second. Think about how sterile your copy is vs. how emotional it is and how much emotional punch it packs, or lacks!

Don’t tiptoe!

If you’re going to try to scare your prospects and evoke fear in your copy, or any kind of negative emotion, then evoke it! Don’t tip toe around it.

Don’t use sterile language, or plain vanilla language, or middle-of-the-road language; remember that words have power. At the root of our marketing are our word choices. So go the distance.

Get to the core emotional issue

So here are the two key take-aways.

First, make sure that you are peeling back the onion and asking yourself, “What is the benefit of that? Have I really reached the true benefit? Have I really gotten to the core of the issue?

“Have I been able to say what these prospects are after, and what they want, and what they are really motivated and moved by? Have I identified what they get emotional about?

“Have I gone the distance with the emotional benefit and have I dimensionalized it and shown what it looks like in three dimensions?

“Have I talked about the emotional impact, the deep emotional impact? Have I stirred up those emotions? Have I shown them how these product benefits will allow them to feel, and helped them experience the deeper emotions, the emotional needs, desires, and wants that they have?”

Word choice REALLY matters

And the next to take-away is: Don’t use sterile language.

Recognize that how you say something is often more important than what you say, when it comes to the emotional impact.

And when I say how you say something, I mean that there are lots of words we can use in our copy to describe the same thing.

For instance, as I’ve said before, look at the difference between the words embarrass and humiliate. There is a much deeper, greater, visceral response to the word humiliate; the thought of being humiliated is much greater the thought of being simply embarrassed. It’s stronger.

And that’s what we’re looking for. Power verbs and power words. They pack a powerful emotional punch. That’s what you’re looking for.

It’s your turn! Please share an example of your word choice; power words that really rocked your results!