This is the continuation of an earlier article where I am sharing the introduction to my Entrepreneurial Planning Process. If you do the things I share in this training, you will be able to massively scale and grow your business in 2016! But check it out here before 11:59 pm on Dec. 31, 2015 or lose your chance to get it!

…If there is one big mindset that I want you to understand and grasp right now, it’s that there is a huge difference between being a solopreneur and being a business builder.

I think that, yes, you can experience a significant amount of success as a solopreneur, whatever the official definition is. When I think of a solopreneur, I think of it as one entrepreneur who is at the center of the business and is doing the bulk of the heavy lifting: a chunk of the marketing, a chunk of the product design and development, and everything else.

And they might have one or two other people that do things like customer support or managing a ticket center or help desk. You can certainly experience a level of success there. But there is a massive difference between a solopreneur and a business builder.

Are you a solopreneur or a business-builder?

This is very important so please pay attention to this. The difference is this: it starts with mindset.

I can share this because I had this solopreneur mindset for a very long time. I thought it was what would give me the results and outcome that I was looking for. I thought it was the answer to the lifestyle business.

I thought that I didn’t want a team or have to manage or do all the things that are typically associated with a business. I didn’t want a big monthly overhead. I wanted a streamlined, mean business where it was just me and one or two other people.

The reality is though, that most entrepreneurs wind up with a job.

They wind up being self-employed, where they are their own boss, but they still have a job.

Get Your Entrepreneurial Planning Process DONE for 2016!

Don’t wait until you can’t figure out what is wrong; start off on the right foot TODAY!

Don’t delay! Only available till 11:59 on Dec. 31, 2015!

The business doesn’t grow or expand or get better, unless they, the solopreneur, are working on the business and giving input. That includes producing product and ideas, creating marketing, developing joint venture relationships, writing content, etc.

So the analogy that I would use that comes from my buddy Rich Schefren. The question is this: are you raising a pet or are you raising a child?

Are you building a business more like a pet or more like a child? The difference is that in five or six or eight years, the business that you are building like a pet, as a solopreneur, will be just as dependent on you in that time as it is today.

There is no difference. It will still be needing your input and direction, and your care and nurturing, your time, energy, nurture, effort, investment, etc.

Whereas, the business that is being built like a child, as the child gets older, the child gets more independent. They become more and more self-sufficient. They can thrive more and more on their own. They need less input and direction from you.

The difference between a solopreneur and a business builder – from my perspective – is that many online marketers and online entrepreneurs are stuck in that trap of acting like a solopreneur.

They are stuck in that trap without even realizing that they are building a more and more complex job for themselves. They are not building a business. They are building a cool job, a cool operation that still requires them to be at the center.

And they are trying to improve that thing that still puts them at the center and that still needs them. A business builder is building something that is an entity in and of itself, that can survive and thrive, grow and perform, and get better and better without the direct input of the business builder…

Personal Productivity

And then of course I’m going to get into sharing with you about personal productivity. It’s about you and your time, and your calendar, and your schedule.

It’s what my approach to personal productivity and time management looks like. And how, in little ways, it shifts when you are moving from the dual role, the technical role in your business, the person who is doing all of the work, to the person who is doing less of the work and having the work being done, and is now more of the visionary and the pilot of the ship.

It is not an overnight transition. It’s not like you can just pay a lot of money to have new people come aboard. We’re going to go through all of that…


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