In just 31 seconds this commercial presents a compelling message by leveraging four powerful marketing tactics.

The commercial presents a special type of sunglasses designed to appeal to freshwater anglers. Check it out…


I want you to notice the following four tactics at play in the commercial:

1. It starts with a Pattern Interrupt – “As fisherman, we’re predators. And fish are the prey.”

Unlike the average commercial, this spot doesn’t begin with a message about the product, a big claim, or an immediate appeal to the target audience. Nope…

This commercial starts by saying something unexpected… and hence… a pattern interrupt to grab attention and wake viewers out of the typical fog when commercials come on.

2. Big Idea presented as a Metaphor – “In nature, the best fisherman have one thing in common… their eyes.”

As I teach clients in part of Module 1 of the Marketing Funnel Automation Partnership Coaching Program, every powerful marketing message, campaign, and funnel is built on the back of a single Big Idea – an idea that is new, fresh, unique, compelling, and immediately understandable.

And one of the best ways to present a Big Idea is with a metaphor.

A metaphor allows you to take something that could be difficult to understand, and instantly makes it something the viewer can picture and grasp.

A good metaphor doesn’t require much, if any, thought. And instantly takes a potentially abstract concept and transforms it into something easily understood.

3. Compelling Promise – “How do you turn your eyes into the eye of a predator?”

Here is where the commercial doesn’t just present a simple, common promise of benefit (i.e. You’ll see better, you’ll be able to see obstructions in the water, etc.). Instead, it presents a totally unique promise – seeing like a predator.

4. Unique Mechanism – “It takes 11 layers of lens technology and a new lens color to make the human eye emulate the eye of a predator.”

This is what takes a promise of benefit, gives it credibility, and makes it believable. The Unique Mechanism is the unique way the product delivers the end result prospects are looking to experience. In this case, the unique mechanism is the 11 layers and the new color (which, ironically, they never tell us what it is).

Overall, you’ve got to admit, in just 31 seconds this little commercial positions these sunglasses and what they’ll do for anglers in a very cool way. Now, think about how you can do the same with your product or service.