Yesterday you learned a bit about the unique mechanism in marketing

The unique piece, part, component, aspect, process, or system within your product or service that delivers the results and fulfills the marketing promise for the prospect.

And how – when used properly – it gives your prospect hope. Something to place their faith in. Something to believe in. That now, with your offer – thanks to the unique mechanism – they’ll finally experience the results they desire.

Yesterday you also got a glimpse into how not to use the unique mechanism. Mr Butterworth’s shifty “instant-on lighting” trick.

So then the question is, how do you properly create a unique mechanism for your marketing funnel? One that is legitimate, believable, and persuasive?

Well, there are three different ways to create a unique mechanism.



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1. The existing mechanism

Use this when you truly have a unique piece, part, component, aspect, etc, of your product or service that delivers the result for prospects.

This is when you really do have: a unique ingredient in your fat burning supplement; a unique algorithm in your SEO software; a unique recipe of secret ingredients that makes your pizza, etc.

Unfortunately, this is rare. And more often than not, you will need to choose from one of the two other ways of creating your unique mechanism.

2. The unspoken mechanism

Use this when there’s nothing unique about your product or service.

Here we look for the piece, part, component, aspect, etc, of your product or service that helps to deliver the result for prospects, but that is not being talked about or presented by competitors.

So it’s not necessarily unique to your product or service.; competitors are offering it as well. But it is unique to your prospect since competitors are not talking about it in their marketing.

This type of mechanism was used in the 1920s by legendary adman, Claude Hopkins.

While touring through the Schlitz Brewing facility, Hopkins saw the extensive process used to purify the beer. He asked why all that work was never shared with anyone. The response: “Every beer manufacturer does it.”

Hopkins, being the savvy advertising genius that he was, replied, “But others have never told this story.”

So he told it for Schlitz. And within just months, Schlitz Beer shot from fifth in the American beer market to first.

This is an example of the power of the unspoken mechanism.

3. The transubstantiated mechanism

This one is my favorite because it has the widest application. Yet it is also the most commonly used. And most commonly abused.

It’s the type of mechanism employed, incorrectly, by Mr. Butterworth – that is, “instant-on lighting” – in our scene from Arthur 2.

Here, with the transubstantiated mechanism, we transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Meaning, we take a seemingly ordinary mechanism and make it an extraordinary mechanism. We take a seemingly common mechanism and make it a unique mechanism.

We see this, for example, from Ryan Deiss with an ordinary low-price offer being transubstantiated it into the Tripwire.

Or, as another example, from Frank Kern with an ordinary sales-driven email sequence being transubstantiated it into the 4-Day Cash Machine.

Here’s the catch:

Don’t just take something ordinary or something common, slap a new name on it, and try to present it as something new and extraordinary.

Shame on you if that is what you are doing. That’s exactly what Mr. Butterworth was doing with his instant-on lighting scam.

In order to use the transubstantiated mechanism the right way, there should be something new or different with your mechanism. A twist on something old. An update on something prior. An addition or subtraction to had previously been done.

Here, we’re taking something that is unique – but which had previously been presented as common – and renaming it to present it as something extraordinary… the Unique Mechanism.

When done correctly, it has the power to take a run-of-the-mill marketing claim, and transform it into a wildly compelling marketing promise.

A promise that fills your prospect with an exciting sense of hope and anticipation. A promise that creates belief in the likelihood of results. A promise that propels prospects to buy with eagerness.

So don’t be a Mr. Butterworth. Don’t present your version of instant-on lighting.

Instead use one of the three methods shared in this essay to create a true Unique Mechanism. Present your marketplace with a real reason to have hope in your offer. When they do, watch how your sales begin to soar.

It’s your turn! Please share below how YOU use a Unique Mechanism in your marketing!